Accomplish 5 essentials things in 2 minutes

sStruggling to get your kid to floss and brush? Their sentiments might change when they get a cavity like my child did and had to get a needle in the gum. Both her mom and I practice very good hygiene and well versed in oral care, but despite daily flossing and brushing, her shifting baby teeth creates areas that are difficult or impossible to reach and then, voilà, a cavity!

Go and get a battery operated children’s toothbrush. Colgate and Oral-B make really good ones and they feature branded cartoon characters, too. Adult electric toothbrushes often have 2 minute timers but if the kids’ version doesn’t, then just count 2 minutes against your watch from when she puts the toothbrush in her mouth. Or, just turn on your own electric toothbrush and leave it running.

Here are two more things you’re going to do in the next 2 minutes: brush her hair and check for lice. Really? Really! Do this and the 5 following things will happen in the next 120 seconds:

  1. Most kids use a manual toothbrush and go through the motions of wiping the teeth they can see with the bristles of the brush. I would even go so far to say that most kids don’t even do that for a full 20 seconds. With an electric toothbrush, the oscillating head will rotate many times per second. So even if your child drags this oscillating head across the front of the teeth, there is enough rotation to cause accidental brushing! Teach your child to brush the back side of the teeth, too. Their teeth are three dimensional, so brush the top as well. And don’t forget to brush the tongue.
  2. While she’s brushing her teeth, brush her hair. Get one of those Goody Ouchless hair brush. If she’s just come of out of the shower, wet is the best time to brush hair in little bunches no more than a bundle the size of a single serving of spaghetti.
  3. As you comb through each small bunch of hair, take a really good and close look. Here’s hoping you don’t find anything. But if you do find lice, eggs, etc, follow a course of treatment and never send your kid to school until it is cleared. Don’t be that parent and send your kid to school untreated. There’s no shame and practically all schools are trained for this because it is that common. According to the CDC, an estimated 6 to 12 million infestations occur each year in the United States among children 3 to 11 years of age. Even the best schools have outbreaks and will send kids home – no questions asked. Be cool about it; don’t pass your judgment and prejudice down to your kid. Kids share everything. A hat, a scarf or even rolling on the carpet is all it takes.
  4. You may not notice that as she’s brushing her teeth and you her hair, you are both bonding. It’s a different kind of togetherness that you’ll both come to enjoy. She’s getting 100% of your time, even if it is for 2 minutes.
  5. As you stand there and sort her hair in silence, you’re taking time out in a hectic day. The side effect is that when she sees you taking time out to do something slowly and deliberately, she learns to do the same. Besides, a bathroom should be a sacred place free from phones, discussions and other distractions.

Amazing what can be accomplished in 120 seconds. Repeat every night she’s with you.

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