Who Am IWho Am IWhoAmI

Who am I?

jJust like millions of you guys out there, I am a divorced man with a young child. In my case, my ex and I were separated when our daughter was 3 years old and by the time she was 4, she was bouncing between two custody-sharing parents. Now, I’ve become the default parent where my daughter stays most of the time.

Originally, I found myself in a situation of raising a tiny person with no prior experience. I have no degree in psychology and have no training in early childhood education. I have never even babysat! A workplace skill like negotiation has only given me a trivial advantage—for now. So when my daughter is with me, I just make it up as I go and hope for the best.

I’m in a middle management career and my work hours range anywhere from ‘taking the afternoon off’ to a grueling 70 hour work week. Between keeping a tidy house, balancing my check book and calling my mom from time to time, I am constantly pressed for time. And it’s tough to find good, single-serving narratives for single dads raising daughters; so I decided to write them myself. It started as a few articles; then a few more; and then it became weekly! Google Analytics tells me that many of you are from outside of North America.

So who am I? Originally, I was ghostwriting to protect my daughter’s identify. But over the years, her image has been shared with family and friends over Facebook and other platforms including some of her friends’ TikTok dance videos. She was even okay using a few pictures for this slider. So the concept of anonymity in this blog is become a diminishing concern as she gets older. And with family and friends all over the globe, social media is really the only way to connect regardless of where we are. I’ve lived all over: New York, Bermuda, Hong Kong, Beijing and since my daughter goes to school here where we have extensive ties, we now hang our hats in Toronto, Canada.

Dave N.M.
[email protected]