Is it odd for me to have pictures of tampons on my phone?Is it odd for me to have pictures of tampons on my phone?Is it odd for me to have pictures of tampons on my phone?

Is it odd for me to have pictures of tampons on my phone?

Once upon a time before the advent of self-checkout terminals, I used to walk into drug stores buying all sorts of unnecessary items to disguise condom purchases. As I got older, I was less self-conscious. And as time went on, nobody cared what I bought. I’m not sure why there was judgment; I’m also not sure why I felt shame for wanting to be safe.

Fast forward to today and I am a fairly open minded 21st century middle-aged dad whose own daughter is going through the beginnings of her transformation. I am again standing at the drug store staring down an aisle. Only this time, it’s a different aisle and I have even less experience on the products. But this time, I didn’t load up with useless products to hide my purchase. This time, my actions were filled not with embarrassment, but deliberation.


I am again standing at the drug store staring down an aisle. But this time, I didn’t load up with useless products to hide my purchase.


I have a swim mom to thank for this. Once when our daughters were practicing, we started to talk and she offered a sympathetic smile. She pulled out her phone and sent me two pictures of feminine hygiene products. I inquired, “Why would you need reminders on your phone?” She laughed. I didn’t take them for me; I took them for my daughters! “Oh!” Then she gave me a short course on pads and tampons, which I knew. She continued, the choice of products isn’t determined solely on size, but on flow. “Flow? Oh, flow! OK, go on.” There are also night time ones. They usually have wings. “Wings?” So they can wrap. “Wrap?” So they don’t move. “Got it.” There are scented ones, too. “You mean like candles? Why would anyone want it to smell?” It’s scented so it doesn’t smell. “Oh!”  And finally, as young swimmers, they will need to overcome certain anxieties about swimming with tampons. The mom also suggested I purchase a small bottle of personal lubricant for the applicator. “Eh?” Your daughter will figure it out. “Anything else I need to know?” She rested a reassuring palm on my arm. That’s a lot already!

The next day, I went to the drug store. I never knew there was so much choice! Other shoppers were there too. I drew a breath like I once did, pulled out my phone and tried to match the pictures. I couldn’t tell if some of the packages were scented so I sniffed a few when no one was looking! Confident I found what I think I came for, I walked proudly to the check-out counter. The cashier didn’t react; didn’t even look at me. Then ask how I will be paying. I brought them home to my daughter. Dad, how do you know what to buy? “’Cuz, I’m smart!”

Occasionally, when we go shopping, I would ask if she has enough products. My daughter sneers at me in hushed tones. Then I’d say, “Well, we’re here, let’s go pick up some supplies.” She quickly snaps. Dad, you wait here, I’ll get it. I smirked but can’t help but think of my own earlier experiences. It’s been months since the pictures were sent to me. We’re good now. And we laugh about these purchase rather than feel awkward about it. That’s huge progress!


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