Late childhood. 52 “Age 10 (Grade Five)” conversations…

As usual, these conversations are grouped according to the following 7 themes.

Dad’s toolkit

  1. The day the music died
  2. Lies I tell my daughter
  3. Why I love
  4. Parenting isn’t about the parent (Case study 3): An adult’s obscene gesture
  5. Parenting isn’t about the parent (Case study 4): F-bombing parent
  6. Parenting isn’t about the parent (Case study 5): Tiger moms
  7. Parenting isn’t about the parent (Case study 6): Deadbeat moms
  8. Be a tourist in your own city over the holidays
  9. “Daddy, you’re on Tinder?”
  10. Daddy can’t (and won’t) fix everything
  11. The burdens of an only child may manifest years away
  12. A fork in the parenting road
  13. Cost of single supplement for single-dad family vacations
  14. “Daddy, you can see other people.”
  15. Why you can’t be my Number One

Behavior & boundaries

  1. The anatomy of profanity
  2. She’ll never learn if you keep doing it for her
  3. How parents get in the way of a child’s independence
  4. Liar, liar, pants on fire!
  5. When mobile devices can become deadly distractions
  6. You can’t post until you’re 12
  7. Yes, I track my kid’s internet history


  1. Giving my daughter her first cell phone
  2. My daughter’s not a reader
  3. Honesty may not always be the best policy
  4. Yes, it is important to learn the times table and other basics
  5. Why do kids hate practicing?
  6. Being in charge sucks the big felota
  7. Between a Yes and a No is an infinity of Maybe’s
  8. Beware the advice of others
  9. Yes, teach her some basic secretarial skills
  10. Daddy, would you be upset if I lost my phone?
  11. In one ear, out the other
  12. A child should never doubt herself; others will do that for her
  13. Eat bitter
  14. Domestic outsourcing as a way of life


  1. How are the boys in your class this year?
  2. Giving and receiving, same same
  3. A boy asked my daughter out
  4. Her first boyfriend (Part 2): Hanging out
  5. Her first boyfriend (Part 3): Breaking up
  6. Her first boyfriend (Part 4): Parting ways
  7. Double standards of women by women
  8. How your daughter accepts justice is more important than how you feel
  9. All things being equal never really are
  10. She may not confide in you her crush. And that’s okay


  1. Does your daughter behave differently with you than with her mom?
  2. Never live within the limitations of others


  1. The birds and the bees (Part 6): From sex to politics
  2. The birds and the bees (Part 7): The period

The ex-wife

  1. Toxic in-laws
  2. Parentification: I didn’t know that was a thing


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