Simply for Dads, Raising daughters

Ever since my daughter was old enough to fit into some of my sweatshirts, she’s raided my closet of shirts, belts, pants, and even ballcaps as school wear and accessories. When I discover something is missing in my closet, I usually go into her room and look to see if it’s strewn on the floor. There are items in my closet that are off limits, like my bad boy leather jackets. She respects that. And then there’s a whole pile of stuff she won’t even touch, as she says, “Dad, there’s nothing in your closet that’s fit for public.” It’s rare that my daughter can level a comment at me that is factual, dumbfounding and a general putdown.

She said, “I’ll remake your closet, and give you some modern pieces. But you’ll have to give me you credit card!” I admit that there are pieces of clothing that are old and should be donated. There are pieces that I don’t fit anymore. There are pieces that is simply out of style! And there are things that just shouldn’t see the light of day! I pondered the proposition from her and thought…finally, I can have a wardrobe makeover! And I’m loving it!!!  But be gentle with my credit card.


It’s rare that my daughter can level a comment at me that is factual, dumbfounding and a general putdown.


She built a Pinterest board for me and sample styles fit for a serious dad, casual dad and a bad-ass dad. I must admit, not only is her taste very sophisticated for a 14 year-old, she’s remarkably on point in what styles would look good on me. She went on her way and started to educate me on fashion sense. I knew she had it together the day she started to dress me for work. She’s always had an interest in that from the early days of picking cufflinks and ties for me.

Her approach was methodical in that she separated (casual) work outfits and just casual outfits. She left all my suits and ties alone as they required the least update even though my suits were bought pre-COVID. She added color to things and she tightened up the sizes also. I took that as a compliment. In all, I needed a resident makeover artist who knew me and what I like and what I do.

I’m glad she wants her old man to look cool even thought I try awkwardly and at times just stand out like a sore dad trying to be all ‘yo, what up, dawg.’ But secretly I think she knows she can benefit from an expanded selection when she raids my new wardrobe!


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